
Donations are used to pay our developers maintain our libraries and develop new ones

We are a 501c3 nonprofit, meaning that donations are deductible on your taxes

Donor Benefits

  • Recognition as a donor in all future talks, videos, as well as on this page
  • Access to a private chatroom with all of the core Farama developers
  • Link to commercial tools that use our libraries on the corresponding libraries GitHub page and documentation websites
  • Post ads to our discord server (with thousands of users) every quarter
  • Priority support on bugs (contact us directly when needed)
  • Private annual seminar for your organizations engineers about our ecosystem of tools and how to better integrate them into your projects
  • Ability to list commercial products using our libraries as "Farama Certified" after review by us
  • Include your organization name in an employee's title (e.g. "Google Maintainer of Gymnasium")
* Donation tiers are annual and include the benefits of all previous tiers.

Major Donors