
GameState is the main object returned by DoomGame: getState method. The declarations of all the enums can be found in the include/ViZDoomTypes.h header file.


(C++ type / Python type name)

  • unsigned int / int number

  • unsigned int / int tic

  • std::vector<float> / numpy.double[] gameVariables / game_variables

  • ImageBufferPtr / numpy.uint8[] screenBuffer / screen_buffer

  • ImageBufferPtr / numpy.uint8[] depthBuffer / depth_buffer

  • ImageBufferPtr / numpy.uint8[] labelsBuffer / labels_buffer

  • ImageBufferPtr / numpy.uint8[] automapBuffer / automap_buffer

  • AudioBufferPtr / numpy.int16[] audioBuffer / audio_buffer

  • std::vector<Label> / list labels

number - number of the state in the episode. tic - ingame time, 1 tic is 1/35 of second in the game world. Added in 1.1.1.

See also:

Types used only in C++#

  • Buffer (std::vector<uint8_t>)

  • ImageBufferPtr (std::shared_ptr<Buffer>)

  • GameStatePtr (std::shared_ptr<GameState>)



(C++ type / Python type name)

  • unsigned int / int objectId / object_id

  • std::string / str objectName / object_name

  • uint8_t / int value

  • unsigned int / int x

  • unsigned int / int y

  • unsigned int / int width

  • unsigned int / int height

  • double / float objectPositionX / object_position_x

  • double / float objectPositionY / object_position_y

  • double / float objectPositionZ / object_position_z

  • double / float objectAngle / object_angle

  • double / float objectPitch / object_pitch

  • double / float objectRoll / object_roll

  • double / float objectVelocityX / object_velocity_x

  • double / float objectVelocityY / object_velocity_y

  • double / float objectVelocityZ / object_velocity_z

Description of the object in the labels buffer.

objectId / object_id - unique object ID, if both Labels and Objects information is enabled, this will be the same as id in corresponding Object.

objectName / object_name - ingame object name, many different objects can have the same name (e.g. Medikit, Clip, Zombie).

value - value that represents this particular object in labelsBuffer.

x, y, width, height - describes bounding box of this particular object in labelsBuffer. Added in 1.1.5.

See also:


(C++ type / Python type name)

  • unsigned int / int id

  • std::string / str name

  • double / float positionX / position_x

  • double / float positionY / position_y

  • double / float positionZ / position_z

  • double / float angle

  • double / float pitch

  • double / float roll

  • double / float velocityX / velocity_x

  • double / float velocityY / velocity_y

  • double / float velocityZ / velocity_z

Description of the object present in the game world.

id - unique object ID.

name - ingame object name, many different objects can have the same name (e.g. Medikit, Clip, Zombie).

Added in 1.1.8.

See also:


(C++ type / Python type name)

  • double / float x1

  • double / float y1

  • double / float x2

  • double / float y2

  • bool / bool isBlocking / is_blocking

Description of the line that is part of a sector definition.

x1, y1 - position of the line’s first vertex.

x2, y2 - position of the line’s second vertex.

isBlocking / is_blocking - is true, if line is a wall that can’t be passed.

Added in 1.1.8.

See also:


(C++ type / Python type name)

  • double / float floorHeight / floor_height

  • double / float ceilingHeight / ceiling_height

  • std::vector<Label> / list lines

Description of the sector, part of the map with the same floor and ceiling height.

floorHeight / floor_height - height of the sector’s floor.

ceilingHeight / ceiling_height - height of the sector’s ceiling.

lines - contains list of line segments, that forms sector.

Added in 1.1.8.

See also:


(C++ type / Python type name)

  • unsigned int / int tic

  • unsigned int / int playerCount / player_count

  • bool[] / list playersInGame / players_in_game

  • int[] / list playersFrags / players_frags

  • std::string[] / list playersNames / players_names

  • bool[] / list playersAfk / players_afk

  • unsigned int[] / list **playersLastActionTic / players_last_action_tic **

  • unsigned int[] / list **playersLastKillTic / players_last_kill_tic **

ServerState is the main object returned by DoomGame: getServerState method, and it purpose is to get more information about the state of the multi-player game.

Added in 1.1.6.

See also: